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Directed by Christopher Nolan

Genre Action

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I feel like there could have been a better story to tell than this one.

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Watch tenet (2020) movie online full hd free watch. Watch tenet (2020) movie online full hd free mp4. It's normal to need to watch Nolan's films multiple times to appreciate the layers and sometimes to fully understand what's going on.
This time though it'll take three or four watches just to understand the dialogue.
With Tenet, he's turned up the levels for his renowned 'BWOOOOOOOOOOM' bass lines to a Spinal Tap 11. The cinema shakes. Meanwhile not only is the sound mix dropping the speech to about half what it needs to be while that's going on, but Branagh is actually angrily whispering.
Cinema can transport you into the life of another human being. If you watch Tenet you'll be transported into the life of someone who's hard of hearing and suffering general confusion due to mental decline.
It's much worse if you watch on a screen with a powerful sound system. So contrary to the usual advice, do not watch this film on IMAX. Try to find the weakest, tinniest sound system in town. Even better, wait until it's online with subtitles.
My favourite part? About 90 minutes in, one of the characters sparks in Russian. Nolan helpfully adds subtitles. I found myself hoping much of the rest of the film would be in Russian. I was disappointed.
SPOILER ALERT. br> There's another issue with the central conceit.
You'll have a nagging feeling throughout about this but might find it hard to pinpoint.
But of you think about it you'll realise that you never really see the consequence of actions made in reverse.
If someone going backwards through time shoots a helicopter out of the sky, for example... in the 'normal' forward timeline, this would mean the characters in that helicopter starting off dead (or frozen) on the ground, before being sucked back up into the sky in flames in a reverse explosion (not sure this would actually be an implosion) and then going about their day. They start off dead then come back to life. How do you start your day off dead? What were you doing before that?
Anyway this isn't a deal breaker... I guess it could be counted as the one conceit you forgive a film.
But overall it's a huge shame that the film is almost a parody of the Nolan fingerprint, particularly the sound mix and overblown score. Otherwise it's got lots of typically smart ideas.

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Watch Tenet (2020) Movie Online Full hd free. Watch tenet (2020) movie online full hd free full. Watch tenet (2020) movie online full hd free youtube. I'm a big Nolan fan but he should maybe revise the basics of storytelling. Yes, this movie is spectacular. No, that does not make up for the lack of good dialogue, relatable characters, or solid motivations. This movie is a pain to watch because either you have hours of exposition dialogue delivered in the most robotic, bored way, or big, jarring action sequences (some of them twice of course, in case you didn't grasp the main concept by now) where we don't really care about who wins or dies. There is so much talk in this movie and nothing really is said.
The science of the movie is fun but it is presented in a disappointing way. Characters throw in concepts randomly, seeming to be very clever and then we're just left there with them. This is complexity for complexity's sake. We literally gain nothing from these conversation. I could cut out entire sequences and make this movie half as long and nothing would be lost.
The characters are ridiculously robotic and emotionless. Acting is great, it's just that there is not much to act in the first place.
And lastly, sound mixing is so bad one thinks it is intentional. "Important" conversations are actually inaudible.
When an actual line in the movie is "You don't have to understand it, you have to feel it, we get what this movie is about: just looking cool but being empty inside.
If anyone wants to see a time travel story that is executed very well, I'd recommend "Dark" on Netflix.

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